We are looking for partners, sponsors, donors and grant opportunities to help us support the activities of the Westfield Lions Club.
The Westfield Lions Foundation was formed as a 501 (c) (3) public charity to help raise funds to support the activities of the Westfield Lions Club and offer a tax incentive to our generous contributors.
Since their beginning in 1930, the Westfield Lions Club has served Westfield and Hamilton County through various projects, financial donations and community support activities.
The club was one of the first groups to sponsor a three-day county agricultural show, the forerunner of the Hamilton County 4-H Fair. Many Lions to this day still play various roles in the fair. They also sponsored the first fish fry ever held in the county which continues today as a fund raising project.
Generous contributions continue to be made to such Lions projects as Lions Club International Foundation, Lions Cancer Control Fund of Indiana, Indiana Lions Eye and Tissue Bank, Indiana Lions for Leader Dog, Indiana Lions Speech and Hearing, Westfield Fire and Police departments and various Veterans, Women’s, Homeless and Those in Need programs. Several members assist Lions’ projects at the Speedway and Indiana State Fair.
Membership in the Lions Club is by invitation only. Don’t be put off by that; we welcome all inquires and would be happy to find a current member to sponsor you. The best way to do that is to attend one of our regular meetings for an introduction. After hooking up with your sponsor, simply print off an application and mail it in. New members pay an entrance fee of $25 or must submit the proper waiver certification form. Club dues total $33 per quarter. This included district, state and international dues. Click the button below for a membership-application.
The Club assists local students with eye care, honors the top ten high school seniors scholastically and recognizes outstanding senior male and female athletes. The club, also, supports Hoosier Girls State, Scouting programs, the Lester L. Tudor Scholarship, the Florence S. Benson Community Award and Scholarship, Trade, Vocational and Culinary Scholarships.
The Westfield Lions Clubhouse has been a community resource in Westfield since 1958 and has played a pivotal role in the Club’s activities The Clubhouse typically is in use over 150 times per year for 4-H meetings, club events and meetings, reunions, wedding receptions and other events. Several local churches started with services in the building. Recently, the clubhouse has been used as a polling location on election day.
We are currently in need of assistance to renovate the new clubhouse location after being dislocated due to Westfield’s downtown redevelopment.